Shere Farquharson

Children’s Book Author

Encouraging Positive Learning

4 Signs Your Child Is Gifted

Though all children are gifted in their own way, some children are so gifted they require special education and a unique approach from family and parenting. It’s important to determine if they are indeed gifted so you can provide the tools, support, and guidance they need.

But how can you tell if your child is gifted? Well, there are a few signs you can look out for, and today I will explain four of the most important ones. Let’s get into it!

What makes your child gifted?

  1. Your Child Has an Insatiable Curiosity

Children are naturally curious about the world around them because they seek to understand it. However, if your child’s curiosity goes beyond being interested in something, they could be gifted.

Some children are satisfied learning what they need, to understand the basics, or do well in school, but if your child always goes beyond that and they enjoy digging a lot deeper, it could mean that they’re gifted.

  • They Have a Unique Approach

Bright children follow directions and they enjoy following the structure that’s given to them. On the other hand, gifted children often have a different approach.

Maybe they’re more interested in one aspect of a topic than others or because they want a bigger challenge, they approach things their own way. It’s important to not punish this behavior and provide guidance instead. In this way, they can approach situations uniquely while still accomplishing what they need to.

  • Their Vocabulary Is Impressive

Talking to children is its own kind of wonderful. It’s so fun to sit down and make conversation with them because you never know what they’ll come up with. When it comes to conversation, gifted children certainly stand out.

Gifted children often read a lot, expose themselves to advanced information, and have a better ability to understand new words through context. It’s no wonder they often have an impressive vocabulary for their age and they feel a lot more comfortable talking to adults than to other kids.

  • They Feel Strongly About Things

Children all have unique thoughts and opinions, but gifted children often feel very strongly about their opinions. If a topic is important to them, they will have strong opinions and feelings about it, so they will become advocates for that.

Additionally, gifted children can be a lot more aware of the opinions and feelings of others. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they can deal with that information very well. This is why it’s not uncommon for gifted children to be a lot more emotional, so they need help learning how to regulate all that.


If your child checks all these boxes, they may be gifted! In that case, it’s important to encourage that giftedness and help them embrace it. Children are all gifted in one way or another. It’s our jobs as parents and teachers to not snuff that giftedness out, whatever it may be!


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